First, welcome to my website! I made this in order to have a personal portfolio with some information about me, and activities or projects in which I take part.
I am Luigi Fanuzzi, an engineering student with the passion for IT and CyberSecurity.
I am 20 years old and at the moment I am attending the second bachelor year at KU Leuven Group T campus.
Almost everything that I know is the product of years of self learning, practice, and projects that I like to dive into. I always enjoy learning something new and whenever I have time to code, I develop solutions to problems I ecounter.
Here is what I know so far:
Most of my projects are private, but you can find the public ones in my github account.
Developed a mobile application for streaming and downloading music. It has a music player, playlist management, and the possibility to customize the main color of the app.
Built an app to track and share the location of a device. Uses the device's GPS to track the location and sends it to a server, which stores it in a database. The app also has a feature to share the location with other users.
Created a face recognition system for a local gym to automate turnstile access, using simply a webcam. Using OpenCV, numpy, and face_recognition libraries, it recognizes the gym members and opens the turnstile for them. Moreover, integrated Bluetooth device to open the turnstile via mobile devices.
Created a whatsapp bot with many features and per-chat custom commands. For instance, it can transcribe your vocal messages and make custom stickers out of pictures and videos.
Built it for fun and for learning ReactJS, you can use it as link shortner or to "hide" the real URL of a link.
Bluetooth controller made to control my aoguerbe led strip lights from web browsers and telegram.
Motion is a lightweight program that allows you to create a camera server from, for instance, a Raspberry Pi. By default it also stores videos when it detects something moving, but its web interface does not allow you to watch these videos.
Motionctl lets you to watch and delete these motion videos via a simple web interface.
I started to learn Ethical Hacking and CyberSecurity online, thanks to Udemy.
I took part in the CyberChallenge and Olicyber 2021 competitions, which helped me a lot in my cybersecurity learning path.
CyberChallenge.IT, a training program for young talents between 16 and 23, is the main Italian initiative to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
After successfully passing both logic and programming tests, and several month of training at the Bari's Polytechnic University, we had a local Jeopardy-style CTF in which we had to use all of our knowledge to solve challenges of any kind. I managed to get the first position, with which I won the first-classified plate, and became the leader of the team for the National Attack/Defence-style CTF.
I and my team learned some really useful tools such as caronte or DestructiveFarm, and finally on the 7th of July we gave our best.
We eventually finished on the 6th position out of a total of 33 teams from all over the country.
Thanks to this big experience I also developed strong communication and teamworking skills.
OliCyber is the program for the enhancement of excellence in cybersecurity, organized by the National Cybersecurity Laboratory of CINI (National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics) aimed at encouraging and encouraging students from Italian secondary schools to approach IT security both in key to personal awareness and to help the most talented young people to orient themselves in the market of the sector.
Since I passed the tests for CyberChallenge, I was already subscribed in the OliCyber program.
After the big Jeopardy-style CTF, I got the 19th position out of more than 150 students, winning a bronze medal.
You can get in touch with me via the links at the end of the page, or you can just use this form.